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商品説明 商品名 NAUTILUS CCF-X2 10/12 FLY FISHING REEL SILVER - NEW, FREE US SHIPPING ( NAUTILUS CCF-X2 10/12 FLY FISHING REEL SILVER - NEW, FREE US SHIPPING ) 商品画像一覧 商品説明 ※アメリカの現地出品者により作成されたため、英語のまま掲載いたしております。 NAUTILUS CCF-X2 10/12 FLY REEL IN SILVER - CLEAR COLOR WITH FREE U.S. SHIPPING Winner of Best New Saltwater Reel at the 2013-14 International Fly Tackle Dealer Show Nautilus CCFX2 The newest addition to the Nautilus family is the CCF-X2. Already highly regarded, the dual action CCF-X2 drag system features twice the drag strength (20lbs+), twice the smoothness and half the startup inertia as the former CCF. In addition, this reel is fully sealed and loaded with hybrid ceramic bearings, TPX bushings and an oversized drag knob with infinadjust range settings. ModelLineCapacityWeightNo. 6/8WF-8+175 yds #207.6 0z.No. 8/10WF-10+200 yds #308.6 0z.No. 10/12WF-12+250 yds #308.9 0z. The CCF-X2 Disc Braking System is an upgraded, stronger, lighter version of the Cork and Carbon Fiber brake of its predecessor. It features twice the drag surface in a dual action brake configuration. Coupled with hybrid ceramic bearings, the reel delivers less than 1% startup inertia at all drag settings. This brake unit is feather light and can be easily switched from RH to LH retrieve. The Brembo brakes of fly fishing. Perpetually repels contaminants from braking system. Giga: The Uber arbors of fly fishing reels. Reel in more than a foot per turn and feel the fish flopping back to you on the surface. A unique design feature of these spools are grooves that let the bottom of the backing breathe to promote faster drying. THE giga arbors have redefined large arbor reel design. Laser-ID: This has become a favorite product to come out of the Nautilus think-tank. We laser etch a white spot to the inside of the spool which leaves a textured surface that can be written on. Use a thin permanent marker to write on the line weight or any other information you need. No more washed out or peeled of line stickers. If you ever need to change it, wipe it off with alcohol for a blank slate. The over sized CCF-X2 drag knob features the InfinAdjust drag control system: six turns of the drag knob take you from zero to 20+lbs to allow you to precisely adjust your drag tension without fear of over adjusting. CRYSTAL FLY SHOP IS PROUD TO BE AN AUTHORIZE DEALER FOR NAUTILUS REELS INTERNATIONAL BUYERS: You are responsible for paying any customs duties/ taxes, which vary from country to country. WE WILL NOT FALISIFY CUSTOMS DECLARATION FORMS, SO DON'T EVEN ASK. There are many reasons buyers should not ask sellers to engage in this activity: 1) It's illegal. 2) Your item cannot be insured at full value if it is not declared at full value, making you financially responsible if it is lost, stolen, or damaged. 3) Items that are under-declared are much more likely to be seized by customs officials. 4) Asking a seller to participate in customs fraud is against Ebay policy THANKS FOR SUPPORTING LOCALLY OWNED SMALL BUSINESS AND INDEPENDENT FLY SHOPS. WE ARE A FLY SHOP THAT SPECIALIZES IN FLY FISHING GEAR---NOT AN INTERNET WAREHOUSE OR DROP SHIPPER THAT DOES FISHING ON THE SIDE... WE STOCK EVERYTHING WE LIST, AND BACK EVERYTHING WE SELL. CRYSTAL FLY SHOP IS LOCATED IN DOWNTOWN CARBONDALE, COLORADO. WE OFFER YEAR ROUND GUIDED FLOAT AND WADE TRIPS ON THE ROARING FORK, FRYING PAN, COLORADO, AND CRYSTAL RIVERS, IN ADDITION TO MEETING YOUR GEAR NEEDS. WE OFFER QUALITY GEAR AT REASONABLE PRICES--AND EXPERIENCED GUIDE SERVICES AT THE BEST PRICES IN THE ROARING FORK VALLEY FROM ASPEN TO GLENWOOD. 落札時の注意事項/良くあるご質問 【お支払いについて】 弊社ショップでは、クレジットカード決済またはPayPay残高払いのみ対応しております。 万が一、お支払いの確認ができない場合には、購入のご意思が無いものとして、お取り引きをキャンセルとする場合がございます。予めご了承ください。 【送料について】 セカイモン店で落札いただいた商品は、全て送料無料でお届けしております。 落札金額以外にお支払いいただく費用はございませんので、ご安心くださいませ。 【お届け先のご住所について】 セカイモン店で落札いただいた商品は、個人使用を前提として商品の通関を行っております。 東京税関の指導により、個人輸入の配送先はお客様(輸入者)のご自宅住所1か所で、個人の氏名に限定されております。 よって商品の配送先は、個人の住所を登録してください。住所が会社や法人、団体などの場合は商用とみなされ、通関できない恐れがあります。 そのため、配送先が個人の自宅住所以外になる場合は、購入はお控えください。 【お取り引きのキャンセルについて】 落札成立後、出品者とのお取引が開始しているのでキャンセルはできません。 商品情報を十分にご確認いただいたうえで、商品を落札いただけますようお願いいたします。

残り 1 91271円

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